
the 'other' you?

I am studying a book for school at the moment that has a character in it named Griet. In the book she talks about have 'another' her. Made me think if I have another me... I think I do. I have the good me that does my school work and loves to go to my part time job and sell books. But then there's the me who likes to sit on my bum and watch trashy tv, or not do my homework and instead play on the computer. Maybe it is just good me and lazy me... I don't really have a wild me, not one who occasionally loves to drink and go mental, but I do like to dance to good music - but I don't believe that counts as 'another' me.

"A man's nature runs either to herbs, or to weeds; therefore let him seasonably water the one, and destroy the other."
- Francis Bacon

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