
over it...

Today is the last day of term two. The last day of semester one. The last day of the third last term of high school. The last day of a high school term two. And I'm so very over it. Time for the holidays.

I got over the boredom of Wednesday. And I booked myself in, finally, for my L's test - next Thrusday at 11:10am. I am kind of looking forward to it because I will have made some friends happy. That may not be the best reason to do something, but I am 18 this year, and my friends have been picking on me for months because I could have got my L's when I turned 16. Nearly two years late according to some of them. But hopefully, as of next Thursday I will be allowed to drive. However, at the moment I don't even know which pedal is the clutch, which the accelarator and which is the brake. And I have to learn a manual. Well, I don't have to learn a manual, but I want to because it means I can drive both a manual and an auto. And you know what, that makes sense! The next hurdle is to get a car. My mum and step-dad drive auto's so I have to find someone with a manual that I "borrow" to learn to drive in. Maybe I will get my dad to teach me, he has a manual. I did want my mum to teach me though - at least the basics. Then I have to get proper lessons.. Lots of fun! I hope...

Ooh, party time on Sunday night. Hannah's 18th birthday party! I am getting my mum to make me some new trousers for the event - let's all hope the pants turn out alright otherwise I will be stuck in my borrowing old jeans. And I am so incredibly sick of my jeans. I have been sick of a lot of my clothes lately - they are all very similar and boring. I wear jeans and a top, never 'trousers', never skirts (besides the fact I don't think I look any good in skirts, I prefer pants) and never any interesting tops. So that is my quest for when I leave school - start wearing interesting clothes. Like my mum - her clothes are more interesting than mine. She makes really cool jackets and skirts (now that she has found some long boots that she loves!). And puts groovy imaging and decorations on tops that make her look very cool. But she has to live up to being an fasion teacher - so I suppose she really has to look kind of cool. No, I think she just has cool taste. And she is a cool person too. A girl the other day in one of her classes asked if she could have my mum as her mum. She's mine! Hmph! And she's my sisters too, let's not forget...

One of the teachers who has been at my school for ages retires today. Well, today is his last day. Megan and I have to write an article about him and his ties for the school magazine. He has this HUGE collection of ties. He has been wearing one everyday this term and last term, I think. And Friday is Bow Tie day. I gave him a little question form to fill out with his answers that will me made into an article about him. Hopefully he has completed it and I can get it from him this morning. That is about the only thing I have to do in my spare periods this morning. Normally I have a huge list, but this morning, as it is the last day of term, everything seems to have pretty much wrapped itself up for the time being.

Last day of term.. Lovely!

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