
nearly the end...

It is nearly here - the end of high school. I have always, I mean always, been scared of finishing high school - that is, until it actually happens. I am now really excited. Sad, but excited! Last year when lots of my friends were graduating a felt so scared that in only a year it would all be happening to me, but now that it is here it doesn't seem so scary. Yeah, I lose the everyday-ness of high school. You know what is going to happen, when it is going to happen. You are a kid who has their parents or their teachers constantly watching out for you. But next year I will hopefully be going to uni in Melbourne, and have to commute everyday to class. I will have to worry about driving, and maybe even moving out of home (at some point at least). Scary - but exhilirating. I know so many people who love being out of high school, and I am pretty sure I will too. School is slowly becoming too confining, too rigid and uninspirational. Teachers are always there telling you exactly what to do, and what not to do. I was talking to Megs the other day about things coming to an end and I noticed that when they come around they actually seem to be right. School is ending just as I am starting to get pissed off with it. I feel ready to move on. Ready to take on the rest of everything. I think I am probably being a bit of a drama queen about this finishing high school thing, but as an 18 year old who has lived a pretty safe life this does seem to be a huge thing. My life has been (in retrospect of the last eighteen years, not very long I know) pretty nice, pretty easy and incredibly generous. Basically the only bad things I have had to deal with myself have been my Grandma dying and my parents getting a divorce - that's it. So the idea of leaving high school is a pretty big deal - even if that is just my take on it...

In Muck Up/Celebration Day news: mum just finished the first costume - Dorothy. It is awesome!! And so cute. Mum keeps getting pissed off because I keep commenting on how good everything is and how good it is all going to look. But I am in awe! She made the whole Dorothy costume without a pattern - only the picture in her head! See, awesome! I was, however, allowed to give her praise once the costume was complete. Just four more to go, and she hopes to get them done by tomorrow evening. Today's took about 2.5 hours, so she might just achieve it! And I got my witch wig the other day. Only $7 - nice and tacky!! Can't wait for Thursday!

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