
busy bee...

I have been a busy, busy bee over the last little while - nearly a week since I last blogged!!

Ok, so a rundown of my life for that past (nearly) week:

Friday morning I went to work with mum and cut boards for my folio, and stuck my photos onto the board - and thus finished my photography folio. I am absolutely proud of it, even if other people aren't (more on that in a bit).

Friday night I was meant to work, but it has been so quiet lately that my shift was cancelled. So, instead I went to the Queenscliff Music Festival! It was rainy wnd windy (with an awesome thunder storm) but it was fairly fun. I had got media accreditation as a photographer (which basically means I get in for free) so I raced to James' and borrowed his digital camera (because mine is still in NSW). John took me the forty minutes to Queenscliff with him, because he was recording people for his radio program. I saw Sarah Blasko and Ash Grunwald, as well as some other less notable performances. However, I had started to get sick on Thrusday, so running around in the wet wasn't the best thing for me, and I left feeling like crap - blocked nose, sore throat, headache, you know... I'm glad I went but I felt pretty crappy the next day.

Saturday I did work, but was sent home early because it was so quiet. When I got home I went straight to bed because I felt dreaful, then my mum called up my (other) work and told my boss (who is actually my aunty, so it wasn't that bad) that I was too sick to work. I stayed in bed from about 2pm till 7-ish pm, when mum brought me home some chips for dinner, then we sat and watched Harry Potter before going to bed drugged with Cold and Flu tablets and lots of Panadol.

Sunday mum and I buzzed around the house getting ready for my interviews for Uni on Monday and my Graduation Monday night. She finished my graduation skirt and fixed the necklace I wore, while I finished off all my interview things.

Monday I was out of bed at 6am... Horrible... Got ready, and mum drove me to Melbourne for one entrance test, one information session and two interviews. The entrance test, for Applied Photography, was ok, some of the question about science I thought were silly, but there you go.. The information session, for Scientific Photography, just hit home how much I really wanted to do the course - it is awesome! Then we had lunch, before I went to the Applied Photography interview. I didn't like that interview, the interviewers acted as if they were superior, which just didn't seem fair to me... The Scientific Photography interview was heaps better!! The interviewers (four guys, three American, one Aussie) were really nice. They are science/tech nerds who were debating Mac over PC before me interview (I could hear them through the wall - not that I was intentionally eves-dropping). They seemed really genuine. They chatted between themselves as if they were friends, as well as chatting to me. They were genuinely impressed with my folio (unlike the guys at Applied Photography, who just flicked through and said nothing), and even said that the quality of my folio (the way it was compiled) was better than the way their students do it - which I was pretty chuffed about. The Science interview really lifted my spirits. They were concerned that I hadn't done VCE science, but it was such a positive experience I wasn't that worried about the negatives. We had to race home from Melbourne, because I had to get ready!!

Monday night I graduated!!! I dressed up in all my finery (a beautiful skirt, which I may even photograph to post, a simple brown top and awesome jewellery) and graduated from high school!! When we get our graduation certificates we get them in folders, and on the back of the folders (for some people) are stickers to denote if you got any extra awards - I had three stickers! I got an Academic Excellence award, for receiving high marks for all of my subjects, a Citizenship Award, for being an exceptional student in the school community and helping out, etc., and another special award which I can't remember (it is a special award, that I receive on Awards Day in front of parents and the rest of the school) - I think it was a Community Award, but I can't remember. We get eat, and chat, and dance! The band were great, we boogied and had heaps of fun!! I was in so many photos, so goodness knows how much it will cost me to get the ones that I want - but they are all memories!! It was such a great night - and I can't believe I am done. I am no longer part of the school. It is highly scary, because I don't know what is going to happen now. Until offers come out, I am completely free, nothing in particular planned for the future. It is incredibly daunting knowing that, but also somehow incredibly exciting! The opportunities that are coming up and that I can participate in are amazing - I just hope it all comes together!! But I think it just might...

That pretty much brings everything up to speed, because yesterday I sat around with my sister and watched videos of Gilmore Girls all day, and now it is today. Tomorrow I am going to see the new Harry Potter with Megs which should be good - it looks somewhat scarier than the other movies, and I am looking forward to it. Then I am working on the weekend (hopefully. If my hours are cut I won't have any money to buy Christmas presents) and getting some things up on eBay to sell. The summer is looking pretty damn good to me!!

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