
"one by one we overcome"

Well, actually the correct quote that is the title of this is "One by one, we all become undone" which is a lyric from a Wishing Well song called One by One. But, the theme of my past couple of weeks really has been if I take each day and each uni assignment one by one I will conquer them! And it's happened. I was so nervous last week handing in my first uni assignment for the year - one which, after I handed it in, was announced we had an extension on, but oh well... It was an Ecology and the Environment assignment reviewing the coverage of environmental issues in newspapers - oh so very enthralling (no sarcasm...). But it was completely slowly but surely and handed it. Then my second assignment was handed in the following day - so that's two down and it feels great! It's been so strange getting back into the swing of uni. I actually have to remember that when I get home I can't just blob on the couch or in front of my computer. I actually have to read articles and chapters from text books, answer review questions and read novels that aren't my choice. But it's been awesome. I really can't speak highly enough of it. It has been the most amazing thing getting back into study. I'm enjoying it thoroughly, even when I do have a whinge about how boring Maths is. So, uni = good!!

Life actually equals good also which is probably why I've not written anything on this blog. I just can't think of anything to say. Well, that's not true. I have, in fact, had a social life recently which is awesome! Really the highlight of that "social life" was having cake with Sam. We arrived at the cafe at 7pm and was kicked out at 11pm because they were closing. We talked that entire time - it was awesome. Mostly we chatted about our families and stuff. Told some childhood stories and had each other in fits of laughter through mouthfuls of delicious cake!! And no, I couldn't resist a chocolate cake option - it was called Triple Choc Mousse Cake and it had a sort of shell of mudcake with three layers of choc mousse in the middle - dee.lic.ious!!

And the other two awesome social life things were going to Prahran for the day with Megs, and seeing The Wishing Well one Saturday night.

Prahran rocked - we walked up and down Chapel St and had a ball! So many cool shops, including this big handcraft shop with wicked paper and cards. And an great little bookshop where I bought two books I had been looking forward, both by Jeanette Winterson, one of who's books I am studying at uni. I just love her way of writing! Pretty much all of her books are on love or relationships but she twists and turns the stories and weaves other things throughout them - poetic!

And The Wishing Well. The poor guys were only half there - the other three of their group got stuck because of a car breakdown. But they were awesome!! The CD hasn't stopped playing on my CD player! And now that it's on my computer it hasn't stopped playing in iTunes. I love it to bits. I even took to work and Sam has fallen in love with it. She was so annoyed when I reminded her that I had invited her to the gig and she decided not to come.. haha.. But yeah, if you get a chance definitely check out their website.

If I'm talking about music I should probably mention the other two artists I've been obsessed with over the past couple of weeks. Firstly, Martha Tilston. Awesome! I saw her, by chance, at the Port Fairy Folk Festival. She in completely enchanting to watch, and the music is intoxicating (I reckon!). She's from the UK and performs sort of folk-pop with some awesome lyrics, eg (thinks these are correct, but they are just from listening to the song).
We said we didn't want the seeds
But they blew in
We said we didn't want the cars
What you doin'
We said we didn't want the war
But they threw in
That one for free. Two corruptions, you get one free.

See, awesome!! That's from her song Good World which is, to be thorough, on her Of Milkmaids and Architects album.

The other artist I've been listening to is Yael Naim. I've no idea how you are meant to pronounce her name, but she rocks! Her song New Soul is the song on the Apple Air ad on tv. It's such a gorgeous song! And her CD rocks too.

Hmm, not much of a review there more just "these rock" haha. Oh well, that's my opinion!

Oh, and the other thing I'm so proud of is that I baked the other day. I made awesome yo-yos, even I do say so myself. Well, they must have been pretty good because the were all gone on the day I baked them. I have to admit I did burn the first tray of them, but not too badly so they still tasted great! Yep, yum!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

A new blog post? *faints with shock*

Good to hear you're loving everything and all that! =D

And I like how you conveniently left out the, erm, unfortunate, ah, incident in that super cool paper shop. Hahahaha.

Nice new colour scheme, by the way.