
strange dreams...

I don't often dream, but when I do they are either lovely, exciting, or down-right strange. Last night's was strange:

I was at school just outside the library. I was looking into the library, looking for someone. I saw this electroic shcok thing pass between a record player and a computer and everything around these two objects blew up. I ran inside to see if everyone was ok, and they were just sitting around, cleaning up the rubble and chatting, like nothing had happened. I asked them about it and they said that yes there had been some time of explosion, but that it had happened about an hour ago. This confused me, but that was ok. Then I walked outside (it was lunch time) and was chatting to some friends when I looked down at my watch and saw that the second hand was spinning around the face - just spinning. I showed a teacher and asked what she thought, but she didn't say anything. Then these little sparks of lightening or electricity started going off in the sky, just randomly. It got really dark, and everyone got a little worried. Lots and lots of shooting stars were going all over the sky. Then it became light again, and everything was back to normal - even my watch. I figured it was just some freak thing, so I started off to class. As I was walking to class I noticed that something wasn't quite right, I couldn't work out what was wrong, but there was something. When I got the Brownbill (the building that is part of the school) the outside stairs weren't connected to the building, so I couldn't get in that way. I went around the building and inside to the internal stairs. I went up them and noticed that the colour of the paint on the walls was different, not completely different just a different shade of yellow. I went to class and we just did work. I got really bored, so I started hoping things in the room would change, like the words on the board or the colour of the whiteboard marker. And they did. I got slightly freaked-out, so I left the classroom and walked down the corridor. There was a mature-aged class (which there never is at my school) in one of the classrooms and they were giving a teacher I liked shit, so I did something, I can't remember what. Then I walked into another classroom and made a bowl of fruit salad pink and blue. But the fruit didn't properly change colour, the colour sort of floated over the shapes of the fruit, and swirled together. When I walked out the classroom, the end of the corridor was now a brick wall so I couldn't get out. One of the teachers I don't like walked past me and her face was all old and mangled - but I knew it was her. Then I walked over to the brick wall and tried pushing it out of the way - and it moved. Once it was out of the way, things started to go back to normal. The colours of the walls changed back to normal, the fruit salad became normal, and I couldn't make things change. And I woke up feeling scared... Strange!

The last time I had a dream like that I was in the top room of a really big building with lots of windows and lots of people. We were looking out over the city we were in, and the sky had changed to this electric whirl-pool of colour, and it was attacking us, or something...

When I told my step-dad about last night's dream, he decided that I had dreamt that way because I ate carrot cake, watched Dr Who and read The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy before bed. Strange...

1 comment:

Jem said...

After that dream, I flinched too...