
the moving ritual...

So, two weeks from today is my moving day.

I move in two weeks.

In two weeks, I will be living away from home.

And I have started the process. I have started cleaning out my cupboards. I have got boxes to pack my room away in. I have discovered that I have way too much stuff, and I will have to leave a lot of it with my parents. I have started developing my budget, and realising how expensive it will be to be a Photography student living away from home. I have started looking for a job in Melbourne. I have bought my own cutlery, and plates, etc. I now own two yellow tea towels of my own. I have 'Melbourne bed linen' - for Melbourne.

But I have yet to come up with a way to refer to the place I will be living. I tried calling it 'my apartment' but it is really just one room so 'apartment' seemed too much for it. I tried 'my room' but that wasn't really that different from from referring to my bedroom at home. The most recent one was 'my place', but that doesn't seem to be quite right either. I don't know... Maybe if I just try not to refer to it at all. But that won't work. I suppose I will keep working on a way to talk about it. I'm sure I will come up with something...

But even if I don't come up with a name for it, it is still where I will be living, at least for the next sixth months... On my own, for the first time in my life.

My mum told me how once she moved out of home for uni she never stayed at home again. After uni she got a house with her boyfriend of the time (who was to become my father), got married, got a family home and went from there. Maybe that will happen to me... Actually, my newest idea is that once I finish uni I will come back home for sixth months or so and work and save money, then try and work overseas for a while. I think that would be really exciting! A few of my friends are taking a Gap year and travelling, but I think I would like to do it once I have my skill - after uni. It would be an adventure that my mum has told me she has regreted all her life - she didn't travel and now she wishes she did, and I don't want to pass up that chance, even if I force the chance to come about!

So moving in two weeks, maybe travelling in three years... Adventures abound!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

My dear shouldn't you have been in bed at 11:55pm last night? Tut tut tut.

I can't believe you're moving... well, I can, but you know what I mean... It definitely makes me feel a lot older than I felt three months ago when we were still doing our final exams...

We're going to have a lovely lovely lovely multiple year long adventure. It's going to be fun...

But for now I'm going to bed. (Notice you posted at 11:55pm last night and it's 9:09pm now and I'm going to bed?)