
the day before...

It is the day before uni starts. The Sunday before my first university class. The weekend before I start the real life of a uni student. I am terrified. But not as much as I was last week.

I go through different moods and opinions about the course. Friday I was petrified that I would hate the course. Saturday I was concerned that I would be competent. Today I am terribly nervous, but I think that the course will be good.

Tomorrow I have two lectures - Maths and Imaging Theory & Practice. Nothing too scary. Maths is really just what I did in Maths Methods during VCE. And the other lecture is just theory stuff. I will be ok. I hope.

I suppose the thing I worry about most is that it isn't going to work. I am going to be late for classes, or not understand fundamentals, or not have enough experience, or not have the right equipment, or not have enough time... The things that pretty much everyone worries about. So I suppose if I cross my fingers and hope everything might just fall into place...

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