
cameras and old film...

It is nearing the end of my second week of uni. And it hasn't been such a bad week. Although, I did make one very silly mistake. I thought I had an excursion to the zoo today, good thing I listen in class (occasionally) because it is actually next Thursday. So today ended up being a lecture in photography, then a tut for photography. I only had half the tut though because my tutor is in Brisbane today, so we just had a guest speaker for the second half - as a result, I had a three-hour-long lunch! During that long lunch and stupidly walked all the way to Souther Cross Station (or Spencer St to most people) to get a train ticket for my trip home on Friday. I thought the walk would do my calf muscle (which I think I have sprained) a great deal of good - but it feels no different. Hopefully I will be able to succesfully ignore the pain for the weekend so I can dance and be merry at the Folkie.

On the subject of the Folkie, I have got some film together for it. 14 rolls in total. Four rolls are expired colour film (hopefully they will result in some great colour shifts) and lots of spare rolls that I haven't used yet. Hopefully that will be enough to last me the whole weekend. I probably should have got some more fast-speed black and white, but I think it'll be fine. I just can't wait! I am skipping one of my lectures tomorrow so I can get to Port Fairy at a semi-decent hour. And, if I catch it early, I will miss the end of the day rush - I figured that missing two hours of an incredibly boring lecture was better than having to put up with the crowd on the train, on a Friday afternoon leading into a long weekend. My program is starting to be coloured in, and my bag is about to be packed!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh i was going to go to port fairy, but couldn't get tix! it would be great if you post some pics on the net.