
zoo reshoots...

The Zoo went well, except for the fact I only shot one roll of film for the entire day! got there at 9am, left at 5pm and only took one roll of film - all of the White-cheeked Gibbons. So tomorrow I am off with the animals again. A 9am start, with an early finish because I have to get home to get ready for work. Hopefully I will have a more productive day tomorrow. One of the major problems on Thursday was that the light was shitty. It was overcast for a lot of the day, but the breaks in the clouds brough 10min windows of light with which to take a decently exposed photo. So, hopefully, tomorrow will give more even light. The other problem was that, because I photographed monkeys who were in cages surrounded by bamboo the light was even more dim, so tomorrow I am going to photograph one of the animals that are in more open inclosures. And there is one more reason I want to reshoot - I got a new camera! I got a Canon EOS 3 and it is awesome! My old camera had become even less reliable with exposures and I was becoming concerned that because of the precision photography I am meant to be doing, an old and slightly crappy camera was not going to be of use. So now I have my new lovely thing that I am going to use! So off with the animals I go!

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