
interesting things...

I wish I had interesting things to write about, or an interesting way to right about things. So many blogs I read are written with such style - interesting language, thought-provoking comments, inspirational meanderings. My blog is just a jumble of a 17 year olds life.. oh so uninteresting..

I am slightly down today - is it obvious? And if I don't stop blogging now, I feel I will get even more down - toodles...


as promised...

Here are two examples of the pictures I took on Saturday night at Sweethearts Party '05:

Jessie singing

Li'l Fi's Bassist
The bass player for Li'l Fi

I like them...

busy busy bee...

I have been very busy of late, and have had nothing really to write. But this morning I feel I should blog about something.

Some count downs:

  • 86 days until my last exam
  • 46 days until I turn 18
  • 29 school days left

I am kinda freaked out by that last one - less than a month of school days until high school is finished...

I had a good weekend - indeed, a very good weekend! It was a friends 18th on Friday night - where, though parents were serving the alcohol, a fair bit was consumed (my new favourite - Midori and Lemonade!). The funniest bit though - when Jess opened a present and jumped back in, maybe, horror. The present: a garter belt! So very humorous!! Then, after presents, Hannah decided to decorate me as a present. I had wrapping paper and bows stuck on my head and clothes. We decorated Hannah as well, then went out to meet a friends dad in our finery - he was pleasantly amused! I think we got to bed at something like 2am, after, of course, the fortune telling with a deck of cards!

On Sunday night, the Sweethearts had their annual 'Party '05'. More drinks, some dancing and lots of photograph taking by me! I borrowed my aunties very cool camera (Canon 300D Digital SLR) and took 123 photos. Another late night. I took some cool pics, so I will put one or two up to show everyone.

In uni news - I have my pre-selection kit for BA Photography, but I still have to sort out the pre-selection kits for the other courses. I am so excited about it all. I have to get 15 5"x7" photos for the pre-selection kit, and write a bit about myself - should be interesting! I have to decide on the shots. I plan to include some flowers, some architecture, some live gig shots and some posed shots. Now to choose just 15! The BA kit has to be in by the 21st of October, and I'm not sure about the other kits - I should get to work..

I have finally sorted out my 8 preferences for VTAC Applications:

  1. BA Photography
  2. Scientific and Industrial Photography
  3. Fine Arts Photography
  4. Applied Photography
  5. Bachelor of Arts
  6. Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications)
  7. Bachelor of Psychology (strange choice, I know)
  8. Bachelor of Arts (International Studies)

Should be interesting, and I have a preference session today so I will learn all about it.

Right now I think I better be off. I have a Media SAC this afternoon that I should really have thought about more thoroughly (it is about social values and Leave it to Beaver), and I have International Studies now. Joy...


RMIT yesterday...

I went to RMIT Open Day yesterday. I was really excited on my way there, but I left feeling strange. I have come up with a few reasons:
  1. I feel nervous about leaving school
  2. I feel inadequate with my own photos for my folio
  3. I am over excited about everything - so am going insane..
  4. I have too many choices, well two, but you know..
  5. I am rethinking Photography as a path because I can't think of reasons why I want to do it except "I like doing it"

Maybe I am just over-thinking it; worried about nothing.. But it did help that I got to chat to James and Abby last night - they cheered me up!

Now I am off to study periods, to not do study... Maybe I will play some games, or ponder some more and add more to this entry.. who knows...


short posts...

I really am sick of short posts, but I can't think of much more to write, and lately I haven't had much time to write at all.

I finished my Media assignment last night - all finished. I just need to print it at school today and then get it printed tomorrow by a professional - well, OfficeWorks to be exact. But I think they can do I better job at the printing than my inkjet at home, or even the laser printer at mum's work that has nearly run out of ink. The magazine is 12 layouts. That is six layouts per issue, with two issues. Each issue has 12 pages, but in my head (and officially) that equates to six layouts. Hopefully that is ok.. I hope...

I am having a very big argument with my computer at the moment. Strange things keep happening with my iTunes and Adobe Photoshop programs. Well, maybe the iTunes issue is more an issue with my iPod. Files on my iPod keep 'corrupting' on me - they just won't work! I loaded stuff the other day, and now they have disappeared. It worked on my computer, but not on my iPod - I have no idea what is going on! And with Photoshop, when I exit the program it says there are problems and it has to quit - but it has already quit. And some files won't save as PDFs - argh!!

That is as long as this post is going to be - I have to go and do some work, and look after Megan. She doesn't seem very with it - so tired!!


media media media...

My magazine is nearly finished. One more article and a spell check/proofread and it's done. I am printing it on the weekend and then I might put some thumbnails of it up here or on my site. Joy!!

And it is RMIT Open Day on Sunday - I am very excited!!


jemmyB: a new look...

A kind of new look for my photography site jemmyB. Some new fonts, change of text, a few new colours. I think it will last for ages 'cause I like it. Though I'm not sure about the font yet.. Have to ponder..

And more pondering is to be done because, again, I have nothing to put here - so off I will go a-ponderin'.


new look...

Thought I would just post a little comment about my new look! I have been working on it for 3 and a half hours, instead of doing homework. I think it looks pretty good. A bit more me - an a bit more like my site. Groovy!!

nothing to say...

I really don't have anything to say. I don't even know why I am posting if I have nothing to say. I could tell you that I have just updated jemmyB with three new images. One of my sister, one of four coloured glasses, and one taken driving in a car with a slow shutter speed. I like the glasses the most - the colour worked really well. Or at least I think so.

Or I could tell you that I am trying to change this page to look "cooler". I have been fiddling with the code and am going to try and design my own colour scheme and images on the weekend. If I can work it out that is. I might be sitting online for a while whilst I try and figure that out..

Or I could even tell you that it is a casual dress day today because it is Jeans for Genes Day. And that I am wearing a scarf that I made from Italian wool and a t-shirt I bought at an op-shop. But that could be almost over-sharing.. Oh well..


winteryness and blogging...

It is the start of August. The beginning of the end of Winter. So many times I have said that I hate summer, but there are some days... You know those warm days that are just cheerful? They make you happy sitting in your summer clothes. Those days are the ones I can't wait for. I hate the days when all you want to do is sit in the freezer, they are horrid. You feel sticky and hot - not nice. Those days are the ones when I wish for winter, when you can snuggle up. I suppose I like all the seasons in their own way. Summer for the happy semi-calm that can come over people; the lazy summer feeling. Autumn for the leaves - crunch crunch! Winter for the lovely snuggly nights, when you can sit in bed or on the couch under a warm blanket and just make yourself like a bug in a rug. Spring for the flowers... and my birthday. They are all good in their own way. All enjoyable for at least part of the three months. And soon we will be in Spring. Only 31 days. Another cycle will have been complete. Another year. The next winter that comes around for me will be when I am at university (hopefully...). After August I will never have a winter as a high school student. I sound so melancholy. But I'm not. I am so excited about it all now. It has taken me a while to get here. I have had to find a focus for next year. When all my friends were leaving at the end of last year I felt slightly lost. I didn't have direction. I knew another year of high school was coming, but then what. I had no clue. I had no ideas. I felt lost so often. Now I have direction. Now I know what I want to do, what I would love to do. And I am excited - finally! I have something I feel passionate about. Finally. October 20th. The last day of year twelve - and finally I am working towards it, not trying to stay away from it.

Another of my friends has joined the blogging world. Megs at who burnt the biscuits? She has posted three times already. Actually, she is such a procrastinator I'm sure she will blog often! Welcome to Megs, from me!!

I think I should change the music I am listening to. It is making me slightly melancholy. Although it really is lovely music. It is New Buffalo. So pretty to listen to. And now it has changed. I am listening to my iPod on shuffle so I am getting all sorts of music - I mean, I do have 2374 tracks on my iPod and their vary from the Spice Girls to Bob Marley, and Ash Grunwald to Basement Jaxx. Now Ruby's Grace is playing, but they have broken up so I don't have a link for them. I love listening to my iPod on shuffle, you get to listen to all those songs you never think to listen to. Songs that you know, and have loved, but aren't always remembered. Or songs that you can bop along to that you forgot you had at all, or didn't think you had. They're the fun ones to here. Often so random. Actually, last time I listened to my iPod on shuffle the order of three songs that I remembered because they were so strange were:
  1. Wannabe - Spice Girls
  2. Rhapsody in Blue - Larry Adler (written by Gerwhin)
  3. Naked and Famous - President of the United States of America

I thought it was fun!