
start of week zero (formely o week)

Today was the first day of Week Zero (Deakin's renamed Orientation Week (aka O Week)). I went to a terribly boring Welcome to the University talk, and sat on the grass and read a book before going to a not so boring Welcome to the Arts Faculty talk. It was good to get back to uni. Weird though. Good weird, though, I think. I didn't know anyone, except my sister who is starting first year too. I think that will be a huge change from my year off. Other than, you know, the obvious study thing, the fact that I will be interacting with people I don't know will be different. And the interaction that takes place with fellow students is completely different to chatting to a customer at work. I feel far more self-concious at uni that at work. I suppose it's the whole "little fish and a huge, massive ocean" thing again. But it will be good. I am definitely looking forward to getting back into study. Definitely.

But I am freaking out about what I am going to tell my work colleague on Friday. She asked my to housesit and cat-sit while her and her partner go on a 10 week holiday. I said yes. Now I regret it. That cat has a routine - it goes out at 7am and comes in at 7pm. I didn't really think of this when I said yes. I don't know how I could manage being so routine for 10 weeks. The last time I had a proper routine was in high school - I just don't want to go back to boring. This past year has given me such freedom, and even though I will be at uni again I don't want to go back to being boring. That seems to be a bit of a general statement about uni, but I'm mostly worried about the 10 weeks. I don't want to have to make sure I'm up every morning at 7am, and home by 7pm. I'm not 40. I'm 20 and I want to know that if a friend calls me up and says "hey, let's go get dinner" I can go without having to pop home to let the cat in at a certain time. But I don't want to be a complete shit and let her down by pulling out now. I don't know what I'm going to do. And it's Megs birthday around that time too. How can I not visit her in Melb for her birthday because of a bloody cat. ..... grrr ..... My aunty said the other day to be very apologetic but just pull out completely because 10 weeks was far too much responsibility for me. Mum said I should point the problems then cross my fingers that she decides to find another option. But she is kind of my boss at work. What if by doing this she hates me at work. And apparently she has been bragging about having someone that she trusts so much to take care of her house and her cat. I'm horrible if I pull out, aren't I? On top of that, I've only ever stayed in a house on my own twice - both times were at home while people were away and both times I kept freaking myself out when I thought I heard things. I ended up not having much sleep. I'm a sook, apparently. But 10 weeks! It's huge. I've just got to have the guts to talk to her. I have to. Otherwise I'm going to be really disappointed with myself. Maybe I do like to please people, particularly at work, but making myself miserable in the process is not good. Damn, I have to figure this out soon...

1 comment:

Megan said...

Oh wow, you have no idea how excited I was to come across to your blog on the off chance and THERE WAS A NEW POST!

I have lots to say in response so it's becoming an email.
