
once more a student...

On Wednesday I enrolled. Yes, I am again a student - an official student. An official uni student. That should scare me - and it does somedays, but funnily enough, today it doesn't seem to.

I was nervous before enrolling - I'm a chicken and so before I do anything new or different I get nervous. But, in the end, it all went very smoothly. I am now an RMIT student, who is one of nine just-finished year 12s in the course, and one of 22 students in the course. It is about the same size as a high school class, so it sounds pretty manageable for me. The scariest thing is that 13 of the students are mature aged, which will be quite different for me. And there could be boys - shock horror! I haven't actually been in classes with the opposite sex since primary school because I went to an all-girls high school - so that will take some getting used to.

And I am moving out in a few weeks - another new and exciting thing!! I move to a tiny little room, with shared facilities, but it should be fun! I will be able to do stuff for myself, but I suppose that can also be "I will have to to do stuff for myself", and also be selective about what I take. After I enrolled I went to check out the place. I will be on the 11th floor with a bit of a view. The building is a 'U' shape, and my room is in the part that can see the building, with a bit of a view out the side of the window - I must post a picture once I move in. I am incredibly excited about movin! Megs has said she will stay with me sometimes, so that will be exciting!!

Yes, I really am excited about moving - on with life!!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Wow! We are both uni students! Isn't it so exciting? I can't wait for orientation and classes and Melbourne and exploring Melbourne. I'm even kind of looking forward to commuting - it'll be a good chance to have an excuse to do nothing! We're all grown up... and it's a good thing!!!