

How do friends always know exactly what to say? The comment posted by my good friend on my last entry brought a tear to my eye. Friends can make you feel so special... so loved... and oh so wanted. These friends are jewels and should be grasped with both hands and never put down! So I shall try never to let go - even when we disappear off to Uni. Emails, anyone?

I bought the most awesome book today when I was out buying Easter presents for people (the book is not a present - it is an indulgence!). It is full of slightly random pieces of art and is intended to inspire. It really does! Some of the photos and other images in it are awesome! There is one photographer who appears through the book who take photos the way I would love to. She photographs the little things, like kids feet in a mini-pool. I love how everything is made up of small bits of beauty - everywhere! Pull apart an object and you can find lines and shapes that are beautiful or bold - lovely!

And I love the fun in some (very) simple things. At lunch today Megan, Meaghan, Hannah, Paige and I were simply throwing an easter egg around and ripping the the paper, and throwing at each other, and giggling like maniacs. It was wonderful fun - just giggles and laughs. We weren't laughing at a political cartoon, or at an intellectual joke, just throwing an object at or to each other. Such simplicity...

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