
a media assignment...

Ok, my time to whinge! I am a student in a subject called Media. We do a big final piece that we work on the whole year. We can choose what format we want the final to be: short film, video clip, photographic essay, magazine, radio program, digital photography. I chose to do a magazine (before knowing my limitations, though). What I have since found out is that a majority of the final piece has to be done somewhat in front of the teacher so that they can authorise that it is my work, and someone else hasn't done the work for me. This 'checking' by the teacher is particularly important because last year the school was audited in media (basically, important people checked all our year 12 media work to make sure that the teachers had marked correctly and that the work was our own). The only problem with this is that the school has bugger all by way of computer software to create magazines in. I could use Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher - not all that inspiring really... I want to use Adobe InDesign - industry level, I hear. I have started using the program and I love it - so much to play with, so many options!! The images can be good quality because InDesign supports .psd files - beautiful. I made some mock front covers yesterday and I love them! I will put little thumbnails of them up, just for the heck of it. I am infuriated by this software issue! The school won't buy good software because so few people would use it and it costs so much for licensing - grrr! I shall have to try hard to find a laptop, I suppose... Or another solution... Either way - I will overcome this little problem, I damn well will!!

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