
my photo lesson

I love doing photography "tutoring" with Donna - it's great fun. Today, though I'm not very experienced, I got to play with two gorgeous models, two cool lights, and a very cool SLR. I would put one of the photographs up, but I don't think I am allowed...
The little boy was the cutest model ever! The little one was very shy to begin with, then he sparked up and was so cute - giggling everywhere. Actually, what he ended up doing was tidying the studio we were working in. There is a little refrigerator in it, and he took all the magnets off and put them in a neat pile on top, then he got his little toy cars and put them all in a row with their bonnets under the door - I wonder what could be read into this about his psyche?

And next week, when I have another "lesson", I get to photograph some forensic science tools - so cool! But I am constantly nervous about getting things "wrong". Donna is always telling me that anything I do wrong, I learn from - I should be learning from my mistakes. But, being the control freak I often am, I hate making those mistakes that should be a learning experience. Maybe I should just learn to give stuff a try - yeah right, like I will change just like that, pffff...

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