
the holidays begin...

I had my second English SAC on Thursday (the last day of term). I think it went ok, it was the right length at least. I wrote about the imposed limitations on the characters. I now have to wait until school goes back to find out how I did. I actually hate this waiting until marks come back. Depending on the subject and the SAC I might be nervous or worried, but I always want to know how I did - no matter how badly I expect to have gone. Oh well, I only have two weeks so that's not to bad.

But, that SAC marked the end of the term! Two weeks of (hopefully) fun. I always have good holidays, I can't remember one when I haven't had a good time even if I spent it at home pottering and doing homework. Just the break from school is nice. But these holidays I have had many offers of fun - new friends, new excitement... maybe even some alcohol - hehehe! Movie outtings, themed-video nights, photograph-taking trips. Fun to be had!!

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