
hopes and dreams...

I am being very melodramatic at the moment. I posted the other day about my dream Uni course - Bachelor of Arts (Photography). But now I am sad, and worried... And slightly panicky. If I was to get through to being shortlisted for the course, I would need a folio. So, of course, I went to the website to check out the Folio Preperation course. This is where I started getting worried. Just for the prep course you need to have negatives, transparencies and a 35mm camera. But I've never used film for photography before... Not seriously, at least. I have done the old happy snaps with my pink point and shoot camera, but never properly with a proper camera, and proper development myself... Eek... Now I'm worried that the course I want to get into will be closed to me because I haven't got the experience. I was telling some friends and they were very supportive about my little worry. The made a point of trying to come up with solutions - get a tutor for the rest of the year so you have experience, etc.. I just emailed the Uni.

Fingers crossed...

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