

It went well!! I couldn't believe how smoothly Sunday lunch went. The meat was cooked, the vegies weren't all crunchy and raw, and the pudding tasted great! Mind you, the pudding was a little bit cold, but oh well. The one hitch was that while eating the delicious meat, my dad broke one of his teeth. It was hilarious. We though he had crunched on a bone from the meat or something, but when he pulled it out from his mouth..there was a tooth! I didn't hurt, or so I was told, but I did feel pretty bad about it. Conversation was good, nothing too strange so nanny could be involved in the conversations. Sarah and I were able to show off our various art forms (photography and audio technician-ry). We both got sufficiently lovely responses of "Oh" and "Lovely"! Then when it got to about 3:30pm and dad and nanny headed home, Sarah and I had a mini party in the kitchen while washing the dishes. Not too bad!!

What a relief...

I will post about my lovely cameras in a bit.. I have to go to class.

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